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Pre-design Stage Services
  • Site-survey
  • Consultations with the investor and specialists of urban services
  • Exploring the possibility of obtaining of basic authorization documents
  • Preparation of all documents and the initial source data necessary to start the project design, including:
    • The main order document for the right of design and construction;
    • Urban planning management conclusion;
    • Sketch № 1;
    • Sketch № 2 (ground area plan with the calculation of engineering loads)
    • Geo-base;
    • Construction passport;
    • Technical requirements specification for the connection to the municipal pipelines and utilities;
    • The initial data on ecology, engineering geology, technical condition of existing buildings, job design;
    • Development of the architectural concept of the building and the possible deployment of an construction object;
  • harmonization of the package of originally-enabling documentation
  • preparation and conduct of tender among project design companies to determine General Designer, as well as the subcontracting with project design organizations
  • preparation of the contracts with project design organizations
  • preparation of the tender documents, organization and conduct of the tender to determine the General Contractor for construction works, as well as the subcontracting companies
  • Preparation of the contracts with the general contractor and subcontracting companies.

Design Stage Services
The specialists of the Company, during the design stage of the project will perform design management and preparation of the construction, including:
  • preparation and approval of the technical specifications for the design of the project documentation;
  • acceptance of the project documentation;
  • harmonization of the project parts with urban services;
  • harmonization of the documentation package with architecture and expertise institutions;
  • issue of the fully coordinated and approved project documentation (EPF);
  • organization of geodetic breakdown of axes and marks of the landing of buildings;
  • Paperwork to obtain a building construction permit.
Prior to the major construction works, upon necessity, preparatory work will be conducted for the demolition of the buildings, relocation of the communications lines from the construction area, laying of interim communication lines, cleaning of construction site from the garbage. Specialists of the Company will perform evaluation and preparation of the contract to perform these works.

Construction Stage Services
The Company will undertake construction management and execution of the function of the customer on the site, which includes:
  • coordination and management of all participants in the design and construction;
  • monitoring of performance by the contractors and ensuring of the executive commitments by the customer;
  • monthly check and confirmation of the volumes of works performed;
  • monitoring of implementation schedule of the construction;
  • monitoring the performance of construction budget;
  • engineering supervision of the construction works, including:
    • check and transfer in the work of the working documents
    • quality control of the works
    • acceptance of the quantities of works performed
    • checking of the acts of works performed
    • acceptance of hidden works
    • acceptance of the assembly elements of the important structures
    • acceptance of the assembled equipment
    • control of the equipment test
    • acceptance of the executive documentation
    • participation in the work of the Commission for the acceptance of the completed construction object
  • organization of the provision with construction materials, equipment, furniture, organization of the tender for the supply, execution of documents and control of the execution of supply contracts;
  • organization of tenders for equipment suppliers, building materials and structures to ensure the most optimal costs and quality of the project, preparation of the contracts with suppliers
  • organization of the field supervision for all construction works;
  • organization of the connections to the utilities networks, according to the specifications of urban engineering services;
  • solving of the issues arising in the process of construction with urban services;
  • organization of the Commissioning of the construction object, forming the package of the executive and other documentation required by state approval commission, obtaining of the materials from the Bureau of Technical Inventory (BTI) about the commissioning, organization of work of the working and the state commissions, organization of the addressing of the comments of the commissions.

Quality of Works & Services
Priority line of company's development is the continuous improvement of the quality of works and services in accordance with the company's developed program of the quality control and with the quality management system that meets the requirements of international standard ISO 9001: 2000.

Quality management system which complies with the ISO 9001: 2000, allows FBC "Astana Kurylis" LLP to optimize cumulative process on such parameters as time of construction, the quality of works and services, costs and take a leading position in the market of construction products in Kazakhstan.

The high quality of work of FBC "Astana Kurylis" LLP is guaranteed with:
  • availability of highly qualified managers, knowing the requirements of customers and local conditions
  • extensive experience of performing complex projects in the context of Kazakhstan and the CIS countries;
  • close interaction with the design and development communities and organizations involved in the field supervision;
  • prompt acquisition of the licenses and permits to perform the full range of project works;
  • the possibility of beginning construction at an early technical project stage;
  • optimal terms of construction, with good price and quality ratio;
  • the possibility of rapid mobilization of highly-qualified personnel and technical resources;
  • sufficient resources and its own production in operation;
  • wide selection of the construction equipment;
  • possibility of rapid arranging of the construction camps and temporary objects;
  • existence of a developed infrastructure.
Quality assurance procedures of the Company
  • Tender documentation management
  • Planning management and analysis of the industrial and economic activity
  • Resource management
  • Project preparation management
  • Project management
  • Contract management, management of agreements, regulatory and legal documentation
  • Analysis and improvement of the effectiveness of the quality management system
Quality control procedures of the Company
  • Quality control of the input materials, components and equipment
  • Operational control of the quality of construction works
  • Acceptance of the finished object
  • Non-compliant product management
  • Identification and tracking of the products
  • Corrective actions
  • Preventive actions

Titanium-magnesium plant in Ust-Kamenogorsk

Balkhash mining and metallurgical plants

Zhezkhazganredmet plant
Main building

All rights reserved © FBS "Astana-Kurylis" LLC 2009